Typical of Homo, segmentarization and transversalization, angularization and processionality are not cold operations; neither are indicialization and indexation, and more generally possibilization. Among them, tensions continuously arise between multiple and diverging attractors. For Homo's orchestral brain, for all its more or less integrating senses, and above all for his globalizing vision <1C1> and proportioning hearing <1C2>, it is difficult to grasp one thing (cause) without others intervening at the same time. Each thing exerts its own attraction and repulsion, and at the same time modulates the attraction and repulsion of others. In hominid perception and motricity, these attractors and their associated fields determine field effects that we shall call perceptive-motor field effects, because perception and motricity are not dissociable, each supposing the other and partially deriving from it. It would even be wiser to call them motor-perceptive field effects <2A2d>, because of the normalization of the perceived by the moved <2A2d>. Similarly, in the area of signs, there are tensions that arise between indicia, indexes, indicia and indexes, and even between all the signs and the body. In this case, we shall speak of logico-semiotic field effects. Both types of field effects are found and developed in images, music, language and writing, and we shall have the occasion to go back to them and refine our comprehension of them in our chapters 9 to 19. But what we have just seen of the brain, indicia, indexes, as well as possibilization, gives us a good insight of their nature. And also of the very precocious role these field effects had to play in the anthropogeny. We have to envisage them from now on.
7A. Static perceptive-motor field effects. Reversible forms. The Müller-Lyer illusion
We had to wait until the 1910s before Homo saw a little more clearly that, when an animal identifies a prey, a predator or a mate, he does not make a simple addition of isolated stimuli as the former associationism gave to believe, but rather that his brain grasps certain stimuli in a field of tensions (similitude, contrasts), where they give rise to a resultant, called Gestalt in German and forme in French. The German word is better because it marks the idea that this involves a process of formation, of putting into form (Gestaltung), precisely in a field. The simplest case of these forms is that where the resultant is immobile, let us say static, such as this figural and valorist contrast that attracts the pecking of a chicken, and that we call "ball" or "grain". To begin with, we observed how the animal brain distinguished certain forms by instinct or by learning. Then, simple forms were made more complex and, inversely, complex forms were simplied, in both cases to measure the extent to which these forms would remain recognizable. This way, we began to understand how technician Homo specializes the "Gestalist" availability of its nervous system and of its animal brain to distribute and normalize its environment. With the difference that what functions like a stimulus-signal in animals <4H>, and thus induces in them an irrepressible passage from perception to action, is maintained in a technical and semiotic distanciation in Homo. However, even when distanciated and technicized, perception remains subject to a coercion, as shown by the phenomenon of reversible forms. The same drawn cube (thus the resultant of a field of nine straight lines) can be perceived in salience, then in withdrawal, then in salience again... but this happens successively and irrepressibly. It is sufficient indeed, for our globalizing and transversalizing glance, to take one of these lines as being in the front or in the back to make that our hominid brain (and probably also our mammalian and primatal brain) should instantaneously operate a coherent tri-dimensional repartition of the other lines from near to near, maintaining four of them in one plane and projecting the other five in the depth. Indeed, our perception-motricity, even if it has become transversalizing through the upright position, remains phylogenetically caudal-rostral at the start, selected for the attack-fleeing and predation, transforming any oblique into a vanishing line. Today, it is still this faculty that supports the perspective and projective schema. And above all, it is this faculty that will allow for the frames of the framing, which is a decisive anthropogenic driving factor since the neolithic. Another case, even more enlightening, is the Müller-Lyer illusion. Here we see that two physically equal segments are perceived as unequal, depending on the orientation of the obliques capping their extremities. This is a direct and stable field effect, that is even more identifiable, as we can make it vary by increasing or decreasing the angle of obliques, or by tracing them further than the extremities of the initial segments. Here again, for Homo, perception is obliged, although it does not work like an animal stimulus-signal, since it does not lead to an irrepressible passage to action. We have often spoken of Optical Illusions on this subject. It is so, because we deem unequal what is equal. But we must be clear that this illusion is not a deviation of perception. It is the consequence of its very nature, which consists in deciding the resultant of attractions in perceptive fields.
7B. Kinetic perceptive-motor field effects
The animal and Homo also have to deal with moving objects-targets. In this case, apart from the capacity of recognizing the prey, the predator, the partners and their location in t0, it is also necessary that the brain should anticipate their ulterior displacements in t1,, from their site in t0, particularly because many superior animals hunt from movements rather than forms, at least from the moment when, during the chase, their vision starts relaying their sense of smell. That being said, in animality, these kinetic perceptions often seem blurred. It could be that, the cheetah "pursuing" an antelope, the cat playing with a mouse would not need many things in this regard; the vague grasping of the moving, then that of its usual directions and speeds should probably suffice to define a terminal leap succeeding in a basic grasping for an efficient capture. As for the precision of the praying manta, it is absolutely elementary, seeing that between the visual perception and tactile grasping, coordination is so instantaneous that the displacement of the prey becomes negligible in the cerebral calculation. The same is not true for Homo. Its work by stepped protocols, its technical and semiotic distanciation, but also the slowness of its running pace compared to many of its preys and predators have selected in Homo a brain and a nervous system that are ever more capable of anticipating, from a first movement, the successive positions in the space of an entire body, as well as those of its sections. Thus inferring perceptively from the back legs of a hunted mammal, the positions and forms of its trunk, neck and head in the following moments. This grasping of kinetic perceptive-motor field effects will one day allow Homo to practice ball games, to draw arrows from a bow, to kill a monkey in a high tree with a blowpipe. Hominid kinetic field effects even enlighten the past from the future. Thus, some speeds and directions of mobiles give to "see" irresistibly that one mobile has triggered the other (sentiment of causality) or still, that one mobile has ballasted or acquired a part of the speed of another while staying itself (sentiment of substance), as Michotte demonstrated in 1940, at least in western Homo, into a significant complement of the Gestalttheorie.
7C. Dynamic perceptive-motor field effects. Motions
The hominid situation is sometimes even more complicated. It is not only necessary to identify a movement, but also to evaluate the forces from which it proceeds and that sustain it. This nervous and cerebral work must grasp curvatures within curves, or still, motions (mouvance, in French), meaning movements (displacement) with the forces from which they proceed <2B1>. The physicists clearly oppose the kinetic, which is limited to movements, and the dynamic, which takes into consideration the forces committed. In this case, we shall speak of dynamic perceptive-motor field effects. Having to hold in its hands, for long periods, stones and bones to shape, dishes to cook, infants to nurse, hominid specimens very quickly had to become capable of such dynamic estimations, that will serve Homo hunting when he designed weapons, and Homo ludens when he started throwing and catching objects such as balls, for which the perception of kinetic field effects does not suffice. It would be useful to the anthropogeny to know if anterior animals really need such estimations, or if to reach their prey they are content with perceiving their movements without having to specify the weights and forces that these movements imply. We already posed this question on the occasion of the contrast between pre-hominid and hominid brains <2B1>.
7D. Excited perceptive-motor field effects
Perceptive-motor attractors are often so multiple and in such conflicts of attraction that the resulting field effects are unstable, hesitating inside of themselves, but also hesitating between themselves and their background, from which they fragilely stand out. It will be pertinent here to resort to the notion of excitation such as it appears in some physician mathematicians (Thom), and to say that such field effects are excited (citare, swaying, ex). Seeing that in this case, the prefix ex- marks an intense interstability, that does not go more towards the outside than towards the inside, and that is no less implosive than it is explosive. It would perhaps be prudent to specify each time that they are excited (citare, ex) and incited (citare, in), or excited-incited, but the formula would be cumbersome. If we then figured the perceptive-motor attractions and repulsions of the given by using gradients of potential similar to the lines marking the altitudes on our geographical maps, we would see these gradients become spaced out as they move away from the various gravitational hearths and we would also see them to curve mutually, to inter-curve according to odd surfaces, where the fields of attractors overlap. We would even see these gradients change of sign briskly, or in any case marking catastrophes (change of forms) when they pass from attraction to repulsion, from curvatures to fracture, from tightening to closing, etc. The animal, probably because it is taken in the immediacy of stimuli-signals (releasers) <4H>, has neither the time nor the interest to maintain the excited field effects taking place in its nervous system. And there is only the caress and the licking in mammals, and the delousing in primates, that exploit more or less richly the inflexions and curvatures of the tactile and kinesthetic field. Or perhaps also certain regulated gyrations in inter-pursuit games, for example with dogs. In contrast, excited field effects play a considerable role in Homo, who cultivates them for numerous reasons. (a) Its status of a possibilizing animal. (b) The endotropic, and therefore imaginative, slopes of its nervous system, particularly its brain. (c) The distances and distanciation inherent to the technical objects and signs <4A>, indicia and index. (d) Its things-performances, which are always in-situation-in-the-circumstance-over-a-horizon <1B3>. (e) Its three-dimensionality, which imposes itself to things (causes) which themselves are rather multidimensional. (f) A tension arises inevitably between its transversality and its residual animal rostrality. (g) The segments of its technique are only in temporary emersion in a natural environment which contradicts them by its prior segments (of mountain, of river, of bushes, of overly uncovered milieu). (h) Or simply by its general entropy. We can, in Homo, identify perceptive-motor field effects that are tactile, olfactory, gustatory, auditory, and visual. Touch offers a first experience of field effects in the caresses of an infant or lover, when the flat hands, as they move, multiply, amongst the body of another and the own body, inflexions between tactile attractors of surface and depth, until the perceiver and the perceived, the moving and the moved, the self and the other almost merge, to consolatory or orgastic ends. In the same way, hominid smells and tastes are diversely closed, open, porous, compact, stabilizing, vertiginous. As for sound, the mobile nature of partials (harmonic) forces hearing to perpetual adjustments between inter-stable sound synodies. For vision, the gaze of a seated drinker is forced to the same compatibilizations when he is assailed or bathed by the interferences between spatial volumes, traits, shades, luminances, saturations of his favorite bar. Dostoïevski attributed the amorous slavery of the Karamzov father to an "inflexion" of Grouchineka's neck. But was it the neck that was inflected in this case, or was it the extent-duration, or even the space-time that fragilely stretched on this occasion ?
7E. Logico-semiotic field effects: static, kinetic, dynamic, excited
Along these perceptive-motor field effects in indicializing, indexing and therefore semiotic Homo, field effects emerge also on the occasion of signs insofar as multiple attractors activate and passivate between signs, and sometimes within themselves. These are logico-semiotic field effects. They present the four same types: static, kinetic, dynamic, and excited. Static, when the attractors between signs or inside signs give rise to stable resultants. Kinetic, when large or tiny logical movements make augur ulterior movements. Dynamic, when these movements invite to calculate under them the forces that engender them. Excited, when they maintain inextinguishable interstabilities, for example in the equivocal, humor, indignation, the ambiguities of the presence and absence, or those of presence-absence <8A>. We then have to ask ourselves where logico-semiotic field effects feed themselves from. (a) In general, the types of signs are not very coordinable between them. For example, indicia are non-intentional and full signs, while indexes are intentional and empty signs <4H>. Then, indicia go from the object to the subject whilst indexes go from the subject to the object. Moreover, indicia feed pregnance while indexes confirm or provoke salience, etc. These are all divergent attractors between which the resultants, when there are any, are not definitive, but just susceptible of stabilization, curvatures, inflexions and excitations. (b) On the other hand, signs, like perceptions, are grasped through thematized, possibilized, modulated modes of existence: submission/bluff, confrontation/isolation, seriousness/play, exploration/coquetry, , and dream/reverie. And still through modes of the possible, like the non-realized, the supposed, the imagined, the realizable, the necessary, the impossible, etc. So many occasions of curvatures, inflexions and excitations in fields of signs. (c) Finally, there is a permanent tension in Homo between his signs and his body. Although the hominid body may be orthogonalized, frontalizing, lateralized, indexed, it remains sensible, sensitive, immediate, concrete, labile, perishable. Conversely, the signs are inherently insensitive, mediate, abstract, sometimes almost imperishable. Between bodies and signs, it is no longer even a question of curvatures-inflexions, but often a question of veritable alternating cancellations.
7F. Structures, textures and growths (ultrastructures) related to field effects
Static, kinetic, dynamic and excited field effects, either perceptive-motor or logico-semiotic, invite us to make the distinction, in hominid productions, between structures, textures and growths. Etymologies are once again very anthropogenic. Structures - as structurae from struere (to build) says - are constructed by progressively placing or accumulating materials on top of each other; and this progressivity of elaboration means that they usually give rise to an apparent law (of construction); mathematics has often been defined as the theory of structures. >Textures>, texturae from texere (weaving), have as archetype the weaving, which offers structures if one only considers the position of the threads, but that also comprises irregularities if we observe the material of the thread with its grain; we metaphorically speak of the texture of a stone, leather or skin. Finally, growths, crescentiae from crescere, target living organs, of which we recently learned that they initially result from amino acids and proteins, and thus from polymerizations. The modes of formation (Gestaltung) of growths are very different to those of structures or textures, as exemplified in atlases of histology. And biologists have even invented on this occasion the term ultrastructure, "the visible ultimate physiological organization of protoplasm" (Merriam-Webster) <21E2a>. Field effects obviously have various fortunes depending on these three types of formation. Through structures, which are easily decipherable, field effects are often static, kinetic and dynamic, more rarely excited, but when they are excited they can sometimes be very powerfull, in architectural, musical, philosophical systems (for instance Hegel). When it comes to textures, field effects are hardly static or dynamic, but often kinetic and even excited, for instance when those textures reign supreme, in some fabrics, or when they are coupled to structures in musical accords, photographs, films, the starry skies. Through growths and their ultrastructure, seeing that ultrastructures are not easy to be integrated, field effects can only happen in the macroscopic phenotypes resulting from them, such as a leaf, a tree trunk, a muscle, a foot, a head, and they will then be static, kinetic, dynamic or excited depending on whether these effects offer structures (the inflexions of an anatomy) or textures (the complexion of a skin). Growths are particularly obvious in plants. Textures are obvious in animals (skin, hair, feather). Structures are obvious in technical buildings and in animals as chassis. Seeing the art of an epoch insisting on images of plants, of animals, or of buildings is therefore a precious indication of its plastic and even general options. The way in which, in its practice and theory, a hominid group or specimen weights the relative importance of structures, textures or growths with their adjoining field effects is an essential cultural trait. We shall often have the occasion to verify that the transition from a vision of the world based on structures and textures to a grasping of the universe based on growths (polymerization) is the major anthropogenic revolution of the 20th century <21E2a>.
7G. Calculations, descriptions and compatibilization of field effects
To what extent can we calculate (mathematically), describe (suggestively), or compatibilize (rhythmically) field effects ? Let us limit ourselves first to perceptive-motor field effects. Those that are static, kinetic and dynamic are extremely difficult to calculate, since they result from interactions between multiple and moving factors, some of which belong to exterior given whilst the others belong to neuronic reactions. The almost impossibility to give them strict coordinates referring to strict axis probably contributed to discourage experimental psychology <24A1> to take them into consideration. But finally, they belong so much to the order of functionnings usually calculable by a physicist, since it is a question of forces and resultants of forces, that they can be said to be calculable, if not de facto, at least de jure. In any case, they are widely realizable and compatibilizable by the rhythm, with its eight aspects of alternation, interstability, accentuation, tempo, self-engendering, convection, strophism, distribution by nodes, envelopes, resonances, and interfaces <1A5>. As for the excited perceptive-motor field effects, their nature is so much to be non-fixed, and even to escape any fixing whenever it could occur, that they could be said to be incalculable not only de facto, but de jure. However, they too are realizable and compatibilizable through rhythm. It is even the essential function of the rhythm in Homo to settle down into those excited perceptive-motor field effects, to activate-passivate them, and to control them in a certain sense. In this respect, they are thus not totally indescribable, since they can be activated-passivated by rhythms that suggest, evoke and invoke them; and they can also be distinguished amongst themselves, for instance by inventing gestures, or a dance, or words indicating that a page by Mozart is not one by Beethoven. The status of logico-semiotic field effects is also fleeing. Even if it is true that we can abundantly speak about them insofar as they belong to signs and language, and that language always manages to say many things on its themes and on itself. But as field effects (static, kinetic, dynamic, excited) they equally escape calculation. What is the logic weight of contraries, of contradictories, of a comparison, an opposition, a pleasantry, a negation or affirmation of belief? Once again, rhythm allows compatibilizing them sufficiently. And also to set them apart, for example by thematizing, in one hundred different manners, the logic of a phrase by Voltaire versus one by Madame de Sévigné, an evidence of Descartes versus a (de)monstration of Wittgenstein. Any calculability - even if only descriptive or suggestive - supposes a referential. Let us note that for field effects, whether they are perceptive-motor or logico-semiotic, the only invokable referential is the most general one. This one alleges each time a topology, and therefore rates of close/distant, surrounding/surrounded, opening/closure, etc. A cybernetic, therefore rates of activity/passivity, positive/negative reactions (feedback) etc. A logico-semiotic, therefore rates of indiciality (indicium)/indexation <4, 5>, or still of contingent/necessary <6>, etc. A presentivity, and therefore rates of thematization of the presence, the absence, and the presence-absence <2B10, 8H>. Excited field effects engage a (rhythmical) compatibilization of (mathematical) incoordonnables, whether it concerns their calculation, suggestion, or practice. This compatibilization is one of the most constant, and archaic, of the Homo’s dimensions and activity-passivities. We can call this the artistic exercise, or the art, which is then understood in the broadest sense as it invades everything or almost. That said, Homo must protect himself from excited field effects in its technical activities, which precisely suppose precise delimitations of the object and the gesture. He also avoids them in most games, which require a conventionally regulated application of means for ends <27B1>. And, he avoids them in some morals. However, he maintains them and takes pleasure and jouissance in them almost everywhere else, sometimes at the service of universalizations, and sometimes the service of thematization of presence <8C>. Right down to the most ordinary activities.
7H. Stimuli-signs, particularly sexual
We have made a clear distinction between stimuli-signals, or releasers, specific to the animal world, and signs, specific to Homo, while at the same time announcing that we find in the hominid experience a wide mix of the two, which we can call stimuli-signs stimuli-signs <4H>. These stimuli-signs are first the releasers (triggering factors) linked to, for instance, the food in hunger, the fleeing or combative prey in the hunt, the predator that arrives in a caudal-rostral manner in the combat, the sexual partner in rut and heat. Techno-semiotic Homo puts distance between himself and these stimuli-signs, transforming them into signs, but they maintain something of the immediateness of the goals that they were in animality at the service of vital urgencies. On the other hand, for manipulating Homo, some technical behaviors are so elementary and immediate that they function like stimuli-signals, for instance layered stones that almost compulsively call for the layering of new stones, or the hole digging that calls for new digging. Each time, these combinations of the sign and the stimuli-signal produce, through their ambiguity, static, kinetic, dynamic and often excited perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic field effects. The most imperious and archaic stimuli-signs are those of hunger. The most complex and diffusive are those of sexuality. The anthropogeny must therefore focus on the last ones to enlighten, and probably found biologically, technically and semiotically what stimuli-signs are, and even what field effects are in general.
7H1. Sexual topology-cybernetics
Amongst Homo's sexual stimuli-signs, we shall keep the three that were most socialized in all cultures: the vulva, the penis, the udders. In pre-hominid mammals, these organs were more or less protected and dissimulated by quadrupedalism. In Homo, they were exposed by bipedalism, then by the relatively hairless skin. And their visual and caressing attractions, that suited the distances of technique and the distanciations of sign, became even more prevalent as the olfactory stimuli of anterior mammals, which were very immediate, faded in the hominid brain.
7H1a. The topologizing, geometrizing, writing vulva The female genital tract of mammals has the complicated functions of receiving, housing, maturing, subtle and intense physiological exchanges and formal modifications, from pregnancy to the evacuation of the foetus. This is why its anatomy intensely exemplifies most of the seven elementary catastrophes of differential topology: the fold, the cusp, the swallowtail, the butterfly, the hyperbolic umbilic, the elliptic umbilic, the parabolic umbilic. Furthermore, because of its partial accessibility, it activates the couples of general topology: open/closed, contiguous/non-contiguous, continuous/non-continuous, discovered/hidden, close/distant, etc. This double topological animation is confirmed by an intrusive and extrusive smooth musculature, lubricating suffusions, cyclic smells, as well as by the labile blood blockages compatible with gestative dilatation, in contrast with the frank blood blockages assumed by the erection of the male genital tract. The vulva is the exterior edge of this internal-external structure, texture and growth <7F>. In upright Homo, a biped with widely spreadable legs, it became both visible from afar and accessible to the manipulation by fingers with subtle distal commands, as well as to the lips and to the tongue, differentiated by the language. At the same time, for angularizing Homo, the vulva distributed its topological richness within the geometrical frame of an isosceles triangle with a point to the bottom, further marked by a vertical median. This "good form" is so decided that it will be one of the first figured by sculpting Homo during the Upper Paleolithic, before becoming a preferential segment of the generating schematism in the Neolithic <14D>. When writing will emerge with the primary empires, it will be again this vulva form which, signifying "woman" in Sumer, will verify a fundamental characteristic of the written sign, which is of being capable to undergo a 90° rotation without ceasing to be identifiable . Therefore, the female genital tract, "place of affluences and effluences" in China, gathers two aspects of what we have called a stimulus-sign: (a) stimuli close to the stimuli-signals of animality, amongst which an archaic hair system contrasting with that of the hair, more recent; (b) a great techno-semiotic richness, activating-passivating the distanciation and certain conventions of technique and signs. Apt to perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic field effects of all kinds, this region of the body, named rahâm in the Koran, will one day provide a fundamental name of the unique God: the Matriciant, ar-Rahmân, and the Matricial, ar-Rahîm, multiplying its plural matrices, desired of the Desirance, hamada. In the penultimate sourah, Allah is said al-Falaq, the Lord of the Slit, slit of live (analogizing) and perhaps also of death (macrodigitalizing), since it is a question of protection against enemies.
7H1b. The ithyphallic penis The hanging penis, already selected in Primates (because of a first uprighting?), has a central evidence in the standing position. Tumescent and erected due to the stable blood blockages of the male genital tract, it makes apparent and manifest not only a form but a forming process. According to their taste for stereometry, the Greeks created the compound adjective ithyphallic (phallos, itHus, right, equitable, avenger) to designate this phenomenon. Therefore, the penis will soon and a bit everywhere become both indicium and index (a) of the action from within, en-ergy (ergeïn, in, acting, inside), (b) of the surrection and resurrection in the ithyphallic figures of Greek tombs, (c) of the integrated form, in the Greek exaltation of convexity up to homosexuality, (d) of the articulation in general (articulum, artus, joint, -culum, diminutive suffix), particularly that of the Vedic verse, which is one of the senses of Sanskrit word lingam, (e) of the intensity (tendere, in) that the sign has as sign, sometimes called "significance", (f) of the technical object and the weapon ("the powerful sword" of the Arabian Nights), (g) of the one desiring the desirable. Mainly an index, and so firstly an empty sign, the penis is less rich topologically, geometrically, scripturally than the vulva, which is firstly an indicium, and therefore a full sign. In Cantabrian caverns, the penis is an accent rather than a figure, and in Sanskrit the lingam alleges the signification or the significance <9E> and above all the articulation (like that of the verse) more than it is a sign itself. However, ostensibly orgasmic, it has enough indiciality going hand in hand with enough indexating charge to confirm the notion of stimulus-sign. It too has given rise to countless static, kinetic, dynamic and excited perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic field effects..
7H1c. Salient udders By opposition to pre-hominid udders, which only are salient during lactation, Homo's udders were selected to be almost constantly salient. The nipple aerola was favored, probably in response to the suction of increasingly differentiated lips of the infant of Homo speaker. Hominid udders belong well to the area of stimuli-signs. Their saliency is firstly an anatomic consequence of the standing position but, by combining protusion and fold, tumescence and de-tumescence, they also belong to the cybernetic area, as the very topological Roman designation demonstrates: sinus (sinuosus, sinuare, in French les seins, in Italian Seno), and above all the English breast and German Brust, which, according to Kluge send back to the idea of a germinative swelling genesically shared by the chest and the belly (Bauch), from the Indo-European root *bHreus. This is a good example of what specific selection is in Homo. Both natural and artificial, biological and techno-semiotic.
7H1d. External-internal organs. Libido To the isosceles triangle vulva, to the upright trait-point penis, to the sinuous udders, we must add, amongst stimuli-signs, the horizontal bar of the mouth and the circles of the pupils and eyes. So many "good forms" selected by the body and brain of Homo geometrizing or topologizing. So many organs where the hominid body is more or less penetrable and emitting, where the inside and the outside meet in the form of accessible, even exhibited, mucosa. Adjoining so a passive intimacy (endotropy) to the active intimacy (endotropy) of Homo's face and gaze <3E>. The selection of these external-internal portions of the organism, timidly announced in the animal world, had something to do with Homo's perceptive system: globalizing vision, proportioning hearing, stroking touch, planing smell and substantializing taste <1C>. On the other hand, any availability to inter-organic contacts had to be selected in a primate who was fond of encounters and worried by its upright position. Finally, we can think that there was some coherence in the fact that the inside of the organism should outcrop in many ways, in animals with highly endotropizing brains <2B>. When, around 1900, Homo started interrogating, through psychoanalysis, the ontogenetic construction of the significant relations between its body and its *woruld, it was to these external-internal orifices, with mucous or sphincters, that he first turned : mouth, anus, urethral and genital organs. And the importance not only of pleasure and pleasures, but also of enjoyment of which they are the seat, encouraged Homo to conceive the anthropogenic importance of a libido, of an in(de)finite primordial libet.
7H2. Sexual partition-conjunction
However, to situate phylogenetically the hominid sexual impetus, with its stimuli-signs and field effects, it is not enough to put together the topological, geometric, external-internal, cybernetic and semiotic properties of isolated genital organs, as remarkable as they might be. We must further note how much these organs are coaptative and even conjunctive, i.e. that the form of each one includes and calls by inversion the form of the other and the completion by the other. And note how this anatomic complementarity ends in the sensible complementarity of the bisexual orgasm. We shall call this relation, which takes place at every stage and level of the anthropogeny, partition-conjunction, because it both distinguishes and puts together, succeeds in creating a unifying distinction, sexual in the strong sense. We have noted this in our chapter on the encounter <3C1-2>. We need now to come back to it, because we could not at that time see what the static, kinetic, dynamic and especially excited field effects, whether they are perceptive-motor or logico-semiotic, added to encounter.
7H2a. The perceived mortise-tenon and gloving-gloved relation For geometer Homo, the mortise-tenon relation is remarkable as a minimal partition of the One. Here, the One divides itself in two, but into Two which refer to their reciprocal implications, and thus to the One, since their division, and even by virtue of their division; phylogenetically and ontogenetically, male and female organs are the two versions of one same basic embryological sequence. For tect Homo (architect), the mortise-tenon link provides the closest and sturdiest imbrication. For cybernetician Homo, the copulation action-passion consists of motors and sensors that circularly respond to one another; perception-motricity of a partner is induced by the perception-motricity of the other, in such a way that the rhythm exerts there, as much or more than in the walk, its characteristics of alternation, interstability, accentuation, tempo, the self-engendering and suspense, convection, strophism, the distribution by nodes, envelopes, resonances, and interfaces<1A5>. This is so true that in Homo, who thematizes excited field effects, the sexual momentum seems to have as a motive the partition-conjunction itself, in contrast to the linear thrust or attraction of an organ towards its complement, as we could think to be mostly the case in the static, and eventually kinetic and dynamic field effects of animality. This would confirm itself by the obsession for impotency and frigidness that particularly haunts those who, like Montaigne, have sexual models of intrusion and self-stimulations where A goes towards B and B towards A. The partition-conjunction proposes itself like a relation that defines its terms more than it is defined by them, it is perhaps even a relation that engenders its terms. (According to the testimony of Marie Bonaparte, Freud seems to have constantly insisted that, in its coital imaginations, the child around 1900 identified itself to the two coupled adults).
7H2b. Orgiastic non-information As Masters and Johnson verified and as we can see from everyday experience, the bisexual orgasm is distributed in around four main stages: (a) an initial exaltation (arousal) which instigates and installs intromission, (b) a plateau that is more or less long of synchronization of neuronic synodies (c) a final upraise up to a climax, (d) a drop in levels accompanying a reversal of neuromediators (neurotransmitters and hormones) once the climax is over. Even if this basic schema should be handled according to the polarities of the masculine and feminine, we can see how it favors an extreme exaltation of field effects, particularly excited field effects. Furthermore, the orgasm completed the partition-conjunction by other characteristics than its overexcitement. As such, it does not comprise information on the states of the environment, on the self-body or on the coapted body, as Bergson remarked before W. Reich started speaking of melting sensation. By which orgasm creates a situation beyond or below the cleavages of techniques and representations of the sign, and contributes to make the One whilst distinguishing the Two. However, insofar as it is a life experience close to death, a "petite mort" (little death) in popular French language, it is above all the pre-orgastic stages or para-orgastic stages that have been favored by Homo as extreme, indefinite, easily available experience of unlimited possibilization and excited field effects; as in Indian Tantra or in preliminary pleasure in the western world.
7H3. Universalized partition-conjunction
So, partition-conjunction in Homo, with its pre-orgastic or para-orgastic affects, has realized itself more or less everywhere. Because everywhere in the techno-semiotic *woruld we find concave/convex, mortice/tenon, gloving/gloved couples with their implications of general topology, of differential topology, of cybernetic, of logico-semiotic. There are also countless cases where, between two sets, the external variables of A are in coaptation with the internal variables of B, which is the primary mathematical foundation of partition-conjunction. Finally, all sorts of para-orgastic states hover around orgasmic states, in musical, imagetic, textual or logical exaltations. Hence these substitutions that we find in Homo between its genital tract and its other organs with similar properties, particularly the sphincter orifices: mouth, anal and urethral tracts. One day, Homo will become psychoanalyst and will think that such substitutions follow an increasingly complex regulated order privileging the mouth first, as place for experimenting the liquid continuum through tumescence and de-tumescence of orality; then the anus, as place for experimenting the solid discontinuum through the solid separations of anality; then the urethral tract, combining these two aspects in directed liquidity; finally, the genital tract that is complex enough to engage two coaptable organisms, and even virtually a third, engendered, and returning the partition-conjunction into conjunction-partition, in genitalia. And beyond the organs of the body, partition-conjunction with orgastic charge will extend to the entire field of hominid activities-passivities. We sometimes find it, diversely modulated, between the eater and the eaten, the hunter and the hunted, the builder and the built, the listener and the listened-to, the imager and the imaged, the killer and the killed, the thief and the thieved. And for all the senses: sight, smell, touch, and especially hearing. Ruts and heat became perpetual in Homo because of their contribution in the encounter <3C2>, but also because they offered culminations and generalizations of perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic field effects, both through their copulatory aims (topological) and through their orgastic aim (cybernetic). At the same time, they were the subject of jokes, even contempt. Probably because partition-conjunction defied the capacities of expression of the transversalizing theoretic Homo, and because the orgasm escaped the informational field of technique and semiotic. Only music succeeded in going where the images and words have failed, particularly with partitive-conjunctive Beethoven, and orgastic Wagner <15G2e>. Thus, the omnipresence of the orgastic partition-conjunction produced two main conceptions throughout Homo’s history. (a) One where the sexual partition-conjunction appears to be the primary attraction, of which the other attractions would then be mere substitutes. There is then, in this case, only a sexual libido, diversely sublimated. And excited field effects of every order are considered as derivations of coital and orgastic configurations. (b) Another conception where partition-conjunction is a disposition of Universe, at least in the terrestrial environment, and where sexual partition-conjunction is only a climax. Here, sexual exaltations would be merely a specific case of much more generalized excited field effects.
7I. Fantasies and imaginary
Perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic field effects greatly complicate Homo’s perceptions, imaginations, conceptions, volitions and its affects, as they surround them, cross them, and inhabit them with fantasies. Rather than giving a general definition of fantasy, we must first distinguish carefully its various sorts.
7I1. Fantasies of things-performances
We probably speak already of fantasy each time that, in the exotropic or endotropic grasping of a thing-performance-in-situation-in-the-circumstance-over-a-horizon <1B3>, the field effects it does trigger or to which it participates become the preponderating element. More briefly: fantasies are then things-performances with their field effects, as soon as the latter become prevalent. In Greek, "Phantasma" comprised the apparition, the spectre, the imperious dream, vision, image in spirit and without particularizing consistency, prodigy, celestial phenomenon, reminiscence, echo, etc. All of this haloed by the semantic constellation formed by phantasia, phantadzein, phantasioûn, phaneros, phanos (adjective and substantive, radious light and vacillating light of the torch) etc. It is in the nature of the fantasmatic field to make us hesitate on its number: fantasies, in the true plural, or fantasy, in the singular collective. The most frequent case of such fantasies is that where the accompanying field is perceptive-motor and excited, creating that average irradiation (visual, auditive, tactile, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory) which for most people accompanies flexibly the daily operations of daily life. But this field can also be logico-semiotic, or still perceptive-motor less excited than dynamic, kinetic, static. Common to all cases is a certain vertigo, where the perceived and the perceiver, the imagined and the imaginer, the logified and the logifier are hard to distinguish, but are in a sort of fusion state, that must be defined less by a confusion than by a growth in potential (of slope, in the thermodynamic sense). Into a tender attachment or a violent fascination. Into a brisk, extended, or relaxed rapt. We can then indicate some occasions favorable to the apparition and maintenance of these fantasies. (a) When the logico-semiotic relation between attractors influencing the thing-performance, let us call them X-Y attractors, hesitates between the felt, the perceived, the imagined, the indicium, the index, the concept, the wanted. (b) When, using the vocabulary of David Marr <Vision, Freeman, 1982>, the ratio between X-Y attractors is only grasped in nervous circuits at a 2,5 dimension, meaning "subject-centered", and not yet at "3 dimensions", meaning "object-centered". (c) When X-Y, as beam of attractors, is powerfully crossed by the attractions of other attractors. (d) When the technical thematizations of X-Y attractors are haloed by the distanciating thematizations of signs that invest, dilate, make them salient, swell them with pregnances. (e) When the semiotic thematization of X-Y is already magically an uncontrolled presence. (f) When X-Y belongs to several modes of existence and categories of the possible. (g) When, in X-Y, the topological ratio of close/distant, open/closed, encompassing/encompassed, or compact/diffuse matters more than the segmentarity and substitutability. (h) When, in X-Y attractors, the vertigo of the seven elementary catastrophes of differential topology ostensibly threatens the structural stability, and particularly the ”good form” (i) When the apprehension of X-Y hesitates between activity and passivity. (j) When the sexual partition-conjunction that invests X-Y renders blind to its other functionings. Etc. Things-performances fantasized in this way are so inherent to possibilizing Homo that most of its functionings know two regimen. (A) A fantasmatic regimen, where actions-passions spontaneously dilate by the intensity of field effects. (B) An objectal regimen, where technical and cognitive operations give rise, through control, through critique (krineïn, screening), to a grasp which is as segmentarizing and cleaving as possible. In daily life, these two regimens obey to an incessant and flexible passage from one to the other. A passage that, however, is not a real mediation, which is impossible in such a fluent area, but a rhythmical alternation that exploits in various dosages the eight properties of rhythm <1A5>.
7I2. Fantasies of *woruld
It is in the nature of the fantasy of a thing-performance, which is eminently rhythmical because of its field effects, to extend its resonances up to the situation and the circumstance and, through them, up to the horizon. We can even wonder if there is not, in every fantasmatization, a certain short-circuit between the thing-performance and the horizon, blurring then the mediation of the circumstance and the situation. So, the fantasmatic grasping of a thing-performance tends to become the grasping of the *woruld in general, i.e. the environment appropriated by Homo, and even the environment insofar as it is appropriated by Homo. Not that in this case - which will often be that of poetry, music, and the spatial arts - the fantasy is without themes, but here those themes matter very little in their specificity. The fantasy of *woruld, so understood, probably always comprises a certain presentive experience, meaning a thematization of presence <8B9>.
7I3. Fantasies of partition-conjunction (sexual and universalized)
Assuredly, the central theme of fantasies - i.e. of functionings accompanied by prevalent field effects - is the sexual partition-conjunction. Already because of the impossibility to objectify this partition technically, logically, geometrically. Then, because it triggers embracing excited field effects, and even the entry into a generalized partition-conjunction <7H3>.
7I4. Fantasies of presence, absence, presence-absence
The fantasies we have just been talking about fall rather clearly into the order of functionings, even if they are complicated functionings. But we can also see hominid specimens aiming for, thematizing, almost pure states of presence, and almost pure states of absence. We would even dare to say states of presence-absence <8A>. Zen, voodoo, some states of exhilaration - pre orgastic, musical, ethylic or psychedelic (psycHè, dèloûn, showing the naked soul) - are clear cases of such thematization <8B9>. Functionings here look for intensifications, or conversely, for collapsus. The field effects they mobilize are above all perceptive-motor and excited, even if their dynamic, kinetic and static variety are of some help. As for the logico-semiotic field effects, they prove particularly efficient when presences-absences are sought by annulment, as in Zen, or in some western poetry dating back to the 1950s. And since these borderline experiences neither become rare nor do attenuate as we go further back in hominid history, we can believe that they must have appeared very early on in the anthropogeny, and that they have played a key role in it.
7I5. Fundamental fantasies as organo-techno-semio-presential hyperfields
At this point, we can see that the set of fantasies - of thing-performance, of *woruld, of partition-conjunction, of presence-absence - that a hominid specimen maintains constitutes throughout its entire existence a hyperfield, that we can call its fundamental fantasy. This fantasy is not simply a sum or an average, the mere result of the aforementioned fantasies. But rather, each hominid specimen engenders these fantasies as much as it is engendered by them, given the memorizing interrelations of neuronic synodies in general, and of the endotropy and floating hominid attention in particular <2A5, 2B2>. In this hyperfield, which we sometimes call the "sixth sense" <1C3>, globalization by cenesthesia and kinesthesia assuredly plays a basal role, as also do the gestural and vocal posture. The fundamental fantasy of each individual, through the pleasure and the eight characteristics of rhythm inherent to it <1A5>, and through the structures and the textures that it animates and that animate it, is probably what is most singular in a hominid specimen. And also the most essential element that this specimen exchanges in its experiences of sexual and universalized partition-conjunction. More generally, if love and friendship, and hatred to some extent, are inter-systems richer than the addition of the systems that make them up, it is mainly due to the encounter of two fundamental fantasies s <11L2>.
7I6. Compulsive fantasies
Hominid specimens, commonly referred to as "normal", practice an endless to-and-fro between the techno-scientific treatment and the fantastic treatment of their environment. The first treatment clarifies the second for the action, while the second opens up and solubilizes the first for pleasure and a certain universalization of perception. Between these two treatments, the dosage is subtle, and once again rhythmical. But this rhythm is fragile. All it takes is, for instance, an unbalance of neuromediators, a few traumatic memories, some nervous synodies that are too close or too distant, a temporary state of fatigue or nervousness, and the so-called compulsive fantasies will appear. In compulsive fantasies, the interweaving between the synodic cleavage cuts and the intensities inherent in any fantasy, whatever it may be, gives rise to sorts of short-circuits with punctual overexcitements. And, what elsewhere is only an intensifying difference of potential here takes on the aspect of a vertiginous funnel. The usual dosage between excited, dynamic, kinetic, and static perceptive-motor field effects gives way to an imperious prevalence of the two or three of the latters; and the same runaway mechanism can take place in logico-semiotic field effects. Of all fantasies, the compulsive fantasy is the most studied in our contemporary societies because of its effects of theft, rape, singular or collective murder that are all more or less isolated or serial. Different models can be envisaged. (a) The "normally" plural and animating energies of the fantasies of the *woruld and of the fundamental fantasy are gathering and strangling in some people under the attraction of a fantasy of a particular thing-performance-in-situation. (b) A unique field effect adds or multiplies the properties usually distinct of static, kinetic, dynamic, excited perceptive-motor field effects, or even of logico-semiotic field effects, over one same thing-performance-in-situation, but here without horizon <1B3>. (c) Field effects, instead of identifying the presence-absence as a nimbus (a horizon) absorb it within themselves in such a way that the compulsive action or abreaction are often described as a black hole. If neurophysiology one day succeeds in establishing the concomitances between these compulsive fits and the neuronal actions, it will perhaps see more clearly what is due "objectively" to the originality of some things-performance-in-situation-in-the-circumstance-over-a-horizon encountered by the compulsive subject and what is due, "subjectively", to the particularities (types) of the cleavages and synodic commutations that a specific brain operates.
7I7. Sacrificial fantasies
Sacrifices are the occasions for very fusional fantasies. Possibilization <6G2> showed us how Homo, when he sacrifices, realizes inside his *woruld, substitutions that allow him to gain favors, contacts, repairs of unbalances (debts), modifications of oneself or the other, in any case establishments or re-establishments of the order of the *woruld. These substitutions are regulated. But at the same time, they are so multidimensional, so distant and so close at the same time, that the sacrificer ends up in a kind of ubiquity and unanimism, where not only the things around him are equivalent, but where the things and himself become interchangeable. Here, there is as much exaltation as there is calculation. And this can only give rise to field effects that are sometimes static, sometimes kinetic and dynamic, but most of all are discretely or violently excited. Fantasies of oblative equivalence, which widely escape utilitarianism have played a key role in the anthropogeny. For the most part, they have conveyed the heroism of the warrior, the pleasure of the consecrated, the endless devotion, the renouncement of the dying man, the decentering of the lover, the jumps beyond Reality into the abysses of the Real <8E1>. We had to approach the sacrificial fantasy after all the others because it mobilizes them all, combining fantasies of thing-performance, of *woruld, of universalized and sexual partition-conjunction, of presence, without forgetting the hyperfields of the singular or collective fundamental fantasies.
7I8. Cognitive fantasies and faith (belief)
Fantasies even have the effect that Homo is the place of affirmations, of spoken or gestural thematizations of things and performances that cannot be handled and controlled with the usual means: apparitions of the beyond, continuations of life after death, resurrections, providence as foresight for a distant future or construction of that future, assurance (certitude) that the course of the world is crossed by universal forces good and evil, revelations of various kinds, convictions that one must be conservative or progressive, assurance that science will ultimately dissipate the mystery (Scientism) or that it will always lag behind, etc. These affirmations, also known as beliefs, have their own capacities. They commit the entire existence of the believer down to every detail: I "am in state of" penitence to ensure my heaven or avoid hell, I "am of the" left (or the right), I "live according to" my belief in the ultimate victory of a good God or Satan, I "militate for" atheism. These affirmations give themselves as not subject to revision. They are generally accompanied by a certain insisting tone, too powerful or too murmuring, always inspired, i.e. engaging the breath. They are usually introduced by a thematizing formula: "I know that", "it is obvious and certain that", "we could not doubt that". They often call upon tradition and the argument of authority: "We always thought that", "Plato said or already saw that". They are internalized by each individual, but are generally shared by groups, whose size conditions their certitude and evidence. They go hand in hand with activities where field effects are powerful and sustained: music, arts, poetry, dance. They are shared less through communication than through communion and participation <8G2-3>. But essentially, the contents of religious, political, scientific faith comfort each other, test each other, prove themselves by the partial or total rhythmization <1A5> that the field effects accompanying them bring to the believer. Perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic, these field effects are static, kinetic, dynamic and above all excited <7A-E>. We see also how, according to the cultures and the eras, belief could be considered as a knowledge of another order, or even as a knowledge more enlightening and surer than ordinary knowledge. And particularly as leading to the Real beyond Reality <8E>. We shall come back to this on the occasion of the believing "life", whether it be religious, political or philosophical <27D3>. Besides, in all communities and societies, we find a faith in the sense of faith in the other, or to the other (pistis, fiance). Indeed, in the encounter <3A> between two possibilizing specimens <6A>, in their confrontation, each one never knows what hides in the head of the other. He can only believe in him, to him, to believe him. And according to the same criterion as for any other belief, he believes through the rhythmization of the existence that this adhesion brings him, in friendship and love. Belief and trust interpenetrate. The same rhythmic, rhythming, movement affirms the eternal life and the god who reveals it, or the absolute revolt and Satan who offers its model. The German glauben (*galauba) covers intellectual and personal trust. The English to believe couples the concession (lêfan, to allow) and cherishing (lêof, dear).
7J. Imaginary versus imagination versus perception. Imagos
What we have just seen about fantasies invites us to make a useful distinction, that the French language allows, between imagination and imaginary. Imagination grasps the imagined without fantasy and without predominating field effects. The imaginary, on the contrary, implies a fantasmatic grasping of the imagined, it is the imagined with its field effects, and from them. Imaginations, in this case, are functionings which, in the endotropic cerebral circulation, (re)animate more or less lengthily certain perceptions, motricities, volitions, affects which were inscribed, on the occasion of exotropic cerebral circulation, by memorization, then elaborated by memoration <2A5>. So understood, imagination, whether "reproductive" or "creative" according to the traditional vocabulary, plays an essential role in Homo technician, historian, mathematician, physicist, biologist, scenarist and political. For example, a cosmologist has the faculty to imagine (to see mentally) the successive movements of the sun and the planets according to the seasons. Imagination refers to reality, even when it invents explicit comparisons ("it's like"), or implicit comparisons such as metonymies and metaphors ("a sail in the distance", "a storm of words"). Imaginary is imagination when fantasy adjoins it, i.e. when it manipulates its objects with their perceptive-motor and logico-semiotic field effects; it thus has the modalities that we recognized in the fantasy <7I>. Littré wanted that imaginary should be "that which is only in the imagination, and which is not real". But phantom limbs prove that the distinction is not so simple. Like a phantom, the amputated leg is only in the imagination, but it persists there so intensely because it has functioned for a long time in the real. On the other hand, to use correctly the prosthesis, the amputated must, every time that he puts it on, reanimate his phantom, as though adjoining to it the field effects, the imaginary, that would otherwise be lacking. The imaginary is so important for Homo that it gives rise to a mode of existence, the reverie <6B>, whose depth Rousseau demonstrated in his Rêveries du promeneur solitaire, and whose phenomenological richness Bachelard demonstrated in his essays on poetic imaginary: La Terre et les rêveries de la volonté, La Terre et les rêveries du repos, L'Eau et le rêves, L'Air et les songes, etc. Besides, even outside the reverie, it is the imaginary that carries major artistic works, if it is true that in these works what is designated by perception or imagination (for example, a crowning of the Virgin Mary) is accompanied by field effects that are sometimes so powerful that they are the actual theme of the work. More generally, the imaginary accompanies every hominid activity, since each activity is largely carried by the fundamental fantasy of each one. Finally, the imaginary plays a role even in scientific and mathematical creation. René Thom introduces his Apologie du logos with a chapter entitled "Rêveries ferroviaires" (railway reveries), leading us to understand that his later works as differential topologist are somehow due to the sorting of wagons on the inclined plane of the Montbéliard railway station fantasized by his childhood brain. This raises the general question to know whether every scientific, political, religious or artistic creation does not emerge partially from a powerful imaginary. In two ways at least. Firstly because creating supposes pleasure, which is fundamentally fed by field effects; the Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises is as constant on this point as the Nietzsche’s Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (The Joyful Wisdom). Secondly because the change in referential - that genius invention is – most likely supposes that the objects concerned are from the outset animated by static, kinetic, dynamic, excited field effects, or even by the paradoxes of partition-conjunction, universalized or sexual. If the physicist revolutions of the two first thirds of the twentieth century were the work of individuals aged under 27 years, it is perhaps because it is an age when the imagination, the imaginary and the conceptualizing neutralization are most likely to meet at their best. Besides, it is very generally true that there is no veritable pedagogy without a horizon, which precisely is not to be confused with the aims of the imagination and supposes the imaginary. We still need to mention that the imaginary animates or associates itself not only with certain imaginations but also with certain perceptions. This is the case when compulsive field effects of raping, murdering, and thieving are triggered by the sight (sound, smell or touch) of a swinging handbag, a dancing child, a lonely woman on a deserted path; or when a brisk and incoercible turmoil of pity is triggered in front of an imploring or mute individual, starving or wounded. And it is also the case when themes are correctly perceived, but are nimbed or swollen with static, kinetic, dynamic, excited field effects. Whether these effects are perceptive-motor or logico-semiotic. Or still [when they are nimbed or swollen] with thing-performance, *woruld, sexual or universalized partition-conjunction, presence absence, sacrifice.
7K. Semiotic of field effects
Are field effects signs? Assuredly, they contribute to reinforce, between segments of universe, these mutual calls - from a distance - that are triggered by the functions of technical objects, when the screwdriver calls the screw, when the hammer calls the nail, and reciprocally <4B>. But are they segments of universe thematizing other segments and depleting in this thematization, as belongs to the signs <4A>? Adding so semiotic distanciation to technical distance ? The answer is yes for perceptive-motor field effects, since, when they are static, kinetic, or dynamic, they contribute, in imagetic, musical, and language mimes to the recognition or designation of an animal, a plant, a congener, through their characteristic and even designating allure <14A3-4-7>. Even when they are only excited, and thus do little or nothing to designate a specific designated, they realize and define at least the topologies, cybernetics, logico-semiotics, general or singular presentivities <7G> that have some relation with the sense and the non-sense, sometimes even with openings onto the Sense or the Non-Sense <8F2-3-4>. And this semiotic dimension obviously also belongs to logico-semiotic field effects, the main vehicle of which is language, which conveys sense and significations from everywhere <8F>.
SITUATION 7 Partition-conjunction lends itself to an endless investigation, because it intervenes everywhere in hominid experiences. Here, we wanted to indicate its areas and paths of deployment, which will become clearer in later chapters on tectures <13>, images <14>, music <15>, dialects <16-17>, writing <18>, but also on lives <27>, many of which, like artistic, amorous and mystical lives, feed and develop from these.
Henri Van Lier Translated by Paula Cook, 2017 (Last update, December 28, 2024) |